Chiropractic Tips for the Holiday Season
By Brandi Goodman
The holidays approach quickly. Before you know it, Halloween will be over and we'll be well on our way to Thanksgiving plans and Christmas shopping. Just be sure you're keeping some chiropractic tips in mind for the holidays so you can make the most of the season.
Always Wear the Right Shoes
Whether you're tackling yard work to make your lawn perfectly pleasant to start your holiday decorating, or you're getting your shopping done, the right shoes matter. Improper footwear will put your body off balance and make it more likely that you'll experience discomfort. You need comfortable, sturdy shoes with good traction that will keep you on your feet and prevent your legs from aching so easily.
Stand to Wrap
If you find your lower back hurting after you've been hunched over all the gifts you're wrapping, you're doing it wrong. You shouldn't be leaning, hunching, reaching too far to grab the tape, or otherwise struggling to get the wrapping done. It's a better idea to stand at a countertop or table so you can wrap without feeling the need to lean over to accomplish your task. Make sure you keep all your supplies close by as well.
Use a Mat in the Kitchen
The holidays are often filled with time spent in the kitchen. If you plan on baking and cooking a lot for the holidays, make sure to add a mat to your kitchen. Standing on the hard ground can cause aches for your feet, legs, and lower back.
An anti-fatigue mat will help with this and ensure you can handle standing for longer intervals. You can also take regular breaks and sit down for some of your tasks, such as peeling the potatoes. Otherwise, make sure someone else is in the kitchen with you helping with all the preparations.
Get Chiropractic Care
You'll want chiropractic on your side throughout the holidays. With so much to do, so many things on your mind, and all the stress that can come with the season, it's wise to get chiropractic to keep your body in the best shape possible. You don't need to deal with unbearable aches with all you have going on.
Always keep this advice in mind throughout the holidays -- and any other time when it could come in handy. You want to keep your body in the best shape possible to handle all of your holiday tasks and make the most of the season. Don't get stuck in bed with an aching back and no time to tackle your to-do list.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lakewood, Colo.