How Do You Choose Your Tomatoes? Hopefully for Health
By Tom Herrin
Everyone has their own method of selecting produce. They may have to have that perfect color, smell, or sound when they are thumped. Some also need to have that just-right feel. One of the leading foods in that category is likely tomatoes. Some like them really red while others prefer that lighter shade. Some prefer them a little squishy while others like that firm feel. It certainly makes a difference as to how they will be used, but each person has their own method. Whatever way they choose, tomatoes can provide some great benefits to health.
They May Help with Digestion
Tomatoes have the ability to help to remove toxins from the body. They also can help to regulate bowels. Much like baby bear's porridge, they can keep them from being too hard or too soft, which is a pretty unique property. Plenty of people struggle with bowel regularity, which can cause lots of health issues. This may relieve the burden that is often placed on some of the organs to do this.
They May Help the Urinary Tract
Tomatoes can have a positive impact on the urinary system. They have been known to possibly prevent urinary tract infections and reduce the instances of bladder cancer as well. Their high level of water content seems to help to stimulate urination as well. This can make it function as a diuretic, thus removing many unwanted substances or reducing the levels of some others. Many people struggle with infections of this area and have to resort to medication to deal with it. Consuming something natural, such as tomatoes, may be a good alternative.
They May Be a Welcomed Part of a Meal
Whether it is home cooking or fast foods, tomatoes can put the finishing touches on almost any meal. They are always good on salads, sandwiches, or vegetable trays. We eat them cooked in many different forms. We enjoy them in stews, with noodles, or in a variety of meat dishes. They are quite popular in sauces. Most people enjoy them in ketchup on fries, hot dogs, meatloaf, hamburgers, or just about anything else you can think of. They are popular at our house and can be found almost daily on our table. Make them a regular on your dinner table and do something good for your family's health.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lone Tree, Colo.