Pile on the Leafy Greens for Health
By Tom Herrin
When people make choices of what to eat, it is often made based on what simply sounds good. Some of this is habit just like so many other things they do. Many people develop bad eating habits as a result of this. It is important to develop tastes that are healthy. Many tastes may be acquired. Lots of people crave fats or salts because they have eaten them so much. If they want to develop good eating habits, they may as well start with foods that are healthy and can do the most good. While they may have a tainted reputation with many people, leafy green vegetables can do plenty for health if just given the chance,
They May Be Good For Digestion
It is not uncommon for many people to have issues with digestion. Some of it seems to come with age while some may be due to eating habits, illness, or other things. Those who suffer with some of these problems may have a lack of energy and general poor feeling. Consuming more leafy green vegetables has shown to have a positive effect on this. The rich supply of vitamins in them no doubt plays a big part.
They May Help Manage Cholesterol
It is difficult to have a serious discussion today without mentioning cholesterol. For some people, it can become a life-limiting problem. Many people take medications to help lower bad cholesterol. As with so many health concerns, managing it through diet can be a good way. One of the reasons is likely that making better choices can form some good habits. Eating leafy green vegetables can provide many of the vitamins and minerals that are believed to help keep blood vessels clearer of the materials that can build up and cause problems.
They May Help to Prevent Anemia
Many of us have anemia for one reason or another. Some of this may be related to natural things involving gender. Others may be related to age. I try to donate blood several times per year. I had noticed that my iron count had gotten lower in recent times, so I decided to increase my intake of leafy green vegetables because they contain more iron that many other plant based foods. Since I didn't want to increase my intake of meats and risk taking in more saturated fats and/or cholesterol, I decided to go with the greens. It seems that I have had more energy as a result. If you have any similar things, give it a try and see what it can do for you.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lone Tree, Colo.