Do You Feel Walking May Be Your Thing?
By Tom Herrin
Most people would like to be individual and do something that is a fit for them. Many times, while seeking this independence, they end up doing something that someone else does because it may seem simpler to copy. When it comes to walking, it can be pretty popular, and many people can be seen alone or in groups out enjoying a good walk as a way of getting some good exercise. The act of just walking can take on all kinds of characteristics. There seem to be as many styles as there are individuals. Finding the one that is most productive for each individual is what is really important.
Posture Still Counts in Walking
Just like anything else, when people have poor posture as they walk, it can come back to haunt them. Slouching can cause unnecessary aches and pains. The hope should be that a good walk will help someone to feel rejuvenated, not exhausted. Keeping upright as they walk can help. Another thing to do is keep the feet pointed pretty much straight ahead. Maintaining a certain degree of levelness with the head and chin can help people avoid hunching over. This hunching can make them tired and give them a neck ache.
Arm Movements Should Have a Purpose
Anyone who has studied a chicken as they walk should realize that there is a little bit of a science to walking. That chicken shows some kind of counter movement is necessary in order for an animal to walk. For people, the arms may serve that purpose. There are many different ways to do so, but each individual may have their own style. A smooth movement with the arms make the stride more effective.
The Stride Is an Important Part
Many of us make an effort to get our stride where we feel it needs to be without giving it real thought. Many have the tendency to attempt to reach far ahead as we walk, thinking that this increased reach will help us to move more with fewer steps. The fact is that we will be far better to use more force as we push off with our back foot. This will propel us a greater distance with less effort. It will also help us to form a good habit as we walk that may carry over to our everyday stroll. Make a little extra effort to develop a good walking habit, and make it personal.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lone Tree, Colo.