Do People Who Will Not Go to Bed Drive You Nuts?
By Tom Herrin
In this world, there are two basic kinds of people. One is the kind who goes to bed with the chickens and rises early to begin a new day. The other is the kind who can't sleep before midnight and just can't get going before noon. Many people think I am referring to adults in the first example and teenagers in the second one. Of course, this isn't entirely true, but there is a distinct divide between those who prefer the early shift and those who love the late one. It may not always be as simple as making yourself do something at a different time. We have built-in clocks that establish many of our patterns and habits. It is not that one is good and the other is bad, but they are definitely not the same.
Biological Cycles Are Big
Even though many people tend to dismiss others with opposite schedules as unmotivated towards change, this is really not the truth. Whichever end of the spectrum you are on is not wrong. Our built-in clocks may drive us whether we like it or not. For those who are more inclined to be better late in the day, trying to get on an early schedule may not allow them to be successful at all. It is not always simply a matter of making yourself go to bed earlier and getting up early. It could be a matter of beating ourselves against our natural internal clock.
Circadian What?
We all operate on some kind of timer. This is usually referred to as our circadian rhythm. This is what seems to regulate our bodies. It is believed that, in some cases, it may not operate on a 24-hour schedule. This can make some individuals even more out of the ordinary. They may have trouble blending in with everyone else completely.
Be Careful with Changes
It is possible to make some alterations in the circadian rhythm, but it should be done with caution. I am one of those who functions much better later in the day. On several occasions, I have tried to do an early workout. Each time, it has left me exhausted and unable to function well for the rest of the day. While others rave about how good they feel when getting up early and working out. If we decide to try an earlier time schedule, it is believed to be best to move our clocks back about 15 minutes each time over a period of days or weeks.
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