Are You In or Out With a Vaccine?
By Tom Herrin
Some health decisions are easy to make. We have a problem and know exactly what we need to do. There should be little discussion about whether or not to set a broken bone. Some others can test the core of our beliefs. We want to have confidence that, when we choose, we have taken the route that will be best for us and/or our loved ones. With the rapid advancement in a vaccine for the current pandemic that has changed all of our lives, many of us will be faced with a choice for ourselves as to whether or not we are willing to take the risk because there is never a guarantee that there will not be negative outcomes in the best scenarios.
Some Vaccines Have Changed Lives
The first recognized vaccine was for smallpox. It was simple. It was pretty successful in halting what was often deadly outbreaks of the disease. Since it was for a virus, it was actually able to be used to virtually eradicate the disease with the last known case about 40 years ago. Several other vaccines have limited the spread of many childhood diseases and spared much pain and sickness. All of these have made solid contributions to humanity.
Some Vaccines Have Raised Questions
Even though some have been largely successful, there have been individuals who have had some serious issues with vaccines. Some of this is due to the methods used for manufacturing them. Those who may be allergic to eggs, or some other thing used for production, may have reason to fear new vaccinations. Some people have suffered reactions such as fever, illness, seizures, and even death. It is enough to make anyone have second thoughts.
It May Be a Choice Between Two Evils
Using the word evil may not be best, but I really can't think of any other term for the current pandemic. It has taken countless lives and threatened many more. Families have been disrupted. On the other hand, many people fear vaccines. It is always good to exercise caution but judgement as well. When weighing in, each of us must do some soul-searching and learning. It is much better for us to begin gathering information and asking ourselves what we will do, especially with a viable vaccine.
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