The Perfect Workouts for Full Body Fitness
By Genevieve Cunningham
Some people are workout fanatics. They love everything about it. The sweat, the sore muscles, the rush. Other people are a little less enthusiastic. Even if you work out, you may not be quite as gung-ho. If you fall into the latter group, you probably like workouts that allow you to get the most bang for your buck, so to speak. You like exercises that work your whole body as quickly as possible. If this sounds like you, take a look at these three workouts that are perfect for working the whole body and enhancing overall fitness.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
High Intensity Interval Training is tough! It involves bursts of high intensity moves, followed by a very short rest period to catch your breath. It might include jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, sprints, and a whole host of random exercises. Most people agree that this form of training really pushes you to your max quickly. It taxes the muscles, burns massive calories, and tones your body like never before. If you want something quick, challenging, and full body, give these HIIT workouts a try.
Some people love running and some people hate it. But either way, it’s hard to ignore the incredible workout you’ll get if you get up and head out on the track. Running is another full body workout, though it will especially work your legs and abs. It’s also incredibly versatile and flexible. If you want a greater challenge, do some sprints or go uphill. If you need something slower paced, jog it out or slow it down to a walk.
Boxing (or Kickboxing)
Boxing is so, so challenging and absolutely full body inclusive. You’ll constantly be moving your feet, throwing punches and jabs, and even learning kicks. You’ll work your body from head to toe, and you’ll feel it! Since boxing isn’t found easily for everyone, notice that kickboxing can also be an incredible full body workout. Though boxing will likely be more intense, kickboxing is found at most gyms and will still provide you a solid workout for those who don’t have conventional boxing available.
Sometimes working out hard and fast is the best choice. Maybe it’s the only way to fit it into your schedule, or even more realistically, maybe it’s the only way you can keep your motivation. If you need a quick and tough full body workout, look no further than these exercises. You’ll be able to work every muscle in the body, boost overall health, and feel your best in the shortest amount of time spent.