Games That Keep Your Mind Young and Fresh
By Genevieve Cunningham
Keeping the mind sharp is a huge part of feeling young as the years go by. While our bodies grow and change -- and not always in the directions we would prefer -- it's possible to keep our minds feeling as fresh as ever. For many, this sounds like it must be too good to be true. How can we possibly keep our minds young even in our most advanced years? It must be a tedious and frustrating process, right? Luckily, keeping the mind young may be as simple as playing a few games! If you would like to keep your mind healthy, strong, and youthful, take a look at these games you should start today and keep in your life for years to come.
Chess is completely a mind game. You have to use forethought, strategy, and problem solving skills. And of course, you have to remember and use a set of very specific rules. All you need is a chess board and a partner, which you may be able to find in a spouse, a relative, or a friend. If you're a fan of strategy and friendly competition, chess may be the perfect game to pick up now and keep as you get older.
For word lovers, Scrabble is the perfect game to keep in your game closet. Scrabble requires you to learn, remember, and then use a very wide vocabulary. It's great for families, as everyone gains a bit of knowledge as they play. One of the best things about Scrabble is that almost anyone - as long as they are old enough to read and spell -- can play along. Keep it at home, take it with you on vacations, and get it out at get-togethers. It's a great, low-stress, fun way to keep your mind working and challenged over time.
Card Games
Card games have been around forever. Why? Because they're so much fun. All you need is a deck of cards. From there, you can play games against others, games all alone, or games in pairs. Each game will have its own set of rules to follow, and some will require some strategy. And as an added bonus, card games get a lot of your friends involved, which is also good for your mind and general health. Grab a deck, learn a few games, and you'll have both entertainment and a healthy mind for years to come.
Keeping your mind young and healthy should be one of the most important things on your to-do list. We need our minds, especially as we get older! The mind makes us who we are, and we need them to enjoy life. Luckily, the process can be fun! Use these fun games to keep your mind continually challenged and healthier overall for a lifetime of good health and happiness.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Thornton, Colo.