How to Burn Calories When Winter Won't Leave
By Genevieve Cunningham
It's cold! Many parts of the country are seeing record-breaking cold temperatures. But even if your winter is a typical one, you're probably aching for warm weather. The cold is good for a while, but everyone has their limits. It's hard to stay busy in the cold. It's hard to get out of bed. And it's especially hard to exercise. Of course, now is the time when we need exercise more than ever in order to stay healthy and maintain our weight. So what can you do? If you need to burn some calories, take a look at how you can stay active even when the winter just won't quit.
Turn to Indoor Exercise
There are so many ways to exercise without ever leaving your house. If you need instruction, buy an at-home DVD program or just search the internet for an instructional video. If you're OK on your own, get some handheld weights, resistance bands, or do calisthenics in your living room. If you don't want to go to the gym, adapt! Working out in the comfort of your own home is better than skipping it altogether, and it can keep the calories burning and muscles building even in the most bitter cold.
Do Your Chores
It takes a lot of effort to shovel snow. It burns calories and works the arm muscles like crazy. If you don't feel like working out, just do your chores and call it a day. Shovel the driveway. Scrape ice from the cars and windows. In the cold, even your normal chores become harder and can help you burn the calories you need to stay healthy.
Focus on Food
If you just can't burn as many calories as you need to, then focus on consumption instead. Cut out the comfort foods and extra desserts. Stick to water and veggies as much as possible. The cold won't last forever, so balance your consumption with calories burned, and you can keep your weight and health in a good place until the weather is appealing again.
Even if you love the winter months, the cold gets old. It's just not appealing to freeze every time you walk outside. If you've been stuck indoors, these tips can help you stay healthy. Incorporate these into your life today, and maintain good health all year long.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Westminster, Colo.