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How TV is Harming Your Health and Well-Being

By Genevieve Cunningham

Who doesn't love watching TV? We all do. It's a staple in the average American home. In fact, more than one TV is actually the norm. It's rare to find a person who doesn't watch this form of entertainment in one way or another. But is it OK that our go-to way to pass the time is the TV? Or is it possible that the television is actually harming our health? While a limited amount of television is probably OK, too much can definitely send our health in the wrong direction. If you're guilty of too many binges, take a look at these ways in which it may be keeping you from being as healthy as possible. 

It's Hurting Your Eyes

It's long been known that excessive screen use can hurt the eyes. And what's worse, it happens slowly over time. You may not notice the slight squinting or the headache that occurs after a long TV binge. We just get used to it. But eye strain happens to so many who use these screens. Cut back on TV time to save your eyes. And if yours have already felt the damage, head to the eye doctor to feel better. 

It's Making You Sedentary

When we watch TV, we're completely engaged in what we're seeing. And because we're so invested, we often sit for hours and hours. This means that we're getting less and less activity -- and over time, this inactivity becomes a habit. Either cut back on the screen, or make a rule that says you can only watch so many minutes before movement. The more you can beat the inactive lifestyle, the better you're going to feel -- whether you have the TV or not.

It's Giving You False Expectations

TV can be incredibly harmful for our mental health. Whether it's shows or commercials, the expectations that TV sets for daily life are completely unrealistic. We can't all look like models. We can't all have perfect homes. We can't all have the perfect job. Don't let TV convince you that you're a failure just because you don't match the people on the screen. No one matches those people -- and that's perfectly OK.

A little bit of TV is fine. It's not going to hurt anything to watch the newest episode of your favorite show. But if your go-to every night is hours of TV, you may want to rethink your habits. Cut back to improve your physical, emotional, and mental health. With a little less TV, you can spend a little more time in the real world and feel better about your life moving forward.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Westminster, Colo.

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