Finding Ways to Stay Active with Psoriatic Arthritis
By Stephen R. Farris
Dealing with psoriatic arthritis is no fun at all. The pain can be intolerable most of the time, to the point you don't feel like doing much of anything, let alone exercise. However, it's important that people with psoriatic arthritis do work out to keep joints and muscles strong, plus to avoid other life-threatening health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and increase weight gain.
There are plenty of exercise options for psoriatic arthritis suffers. The main objective is to try and stay active as much as possible.
Go Swimming
Not everyone has access to a swimming pool, but if you're lucky to be living in a town that has a YMCA, chances are they have one. Usually a membership is required but it'll be well worth it. Swimming is good for people with psoriatic arthritis because you don't put any weight on your joints and it can help build up muscles, especially in your shoulders, arms, back and hips. Some YMCAs offer water aerobic classes too. If you're not up for swimming laps, try walking in different directions where the water is about waist deep.
Keep Your Feet and Legs Moving
Yes, take a walk. Even though it does bear your weight it also helps build muscles in your legs and helps to keep your joints strong. If you decide to take up this exercise, make sure you have comfortable shoes to walk in.
Building Strength
This can be done with weights, bands or machines as long as they provide resistance in order to help you strengthen muscles and joints. If you've never worked out with weights before, it might be a good idea to grab the nearest personal trainer to get you started and so they can teach you proper technique. Most gyms have a personal trainer on staff.
Ride a Bike
Both stationary and regular bike riding are good exercise options for psoriatic arthritis sufferers. It helps with endurance and is a great way for a cardio workout as well. Like any activity, take breaks often and stay hydrated. There's no need to feel like you're competing in the Tour de France.
Before starting any type of exercise routine, check with your local doctor or chiropractor to see what they suggest. They may have literature available covering other exercise and nutrition options to help keep you healthy and active.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Brandon, Fla.