The Health Benefits of Indulgent Foods
By Sara Butler
Some foods are seen as an indulgence. This means that they're rich-tasting and need to be limited in your diet because they're usually full of fat and calories. But it's not all bad when it comes to some of the indulgences out there. In fact, some foods are healthier than others. Here are a few indulgent foods and the ways they can benefit your health.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has a few benefits to your health, one of which may be improved eyesight. In a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, people who eat dark chocolate often experience improvement to their eyesight after indulging. This may be due to increased blood flow in the brain.
Peppermint Candy
Have you ever wondered why restaurants offer mints after meals? It may be because peppermint has been found to help soothe an upset stomach after a heavy meal. Peppermint candy may also help people with irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems. So, next time you feel your tummy getting upset, try sucking on a peppermint candy and see if it helps.
Shrimp Cocktail
One of the best offerings at your fancy party buffet may be the shrimp! Shrimp are a healthy choice when you're surrounded by other less nutritious options and may help put you in a good mood at the same time. Shrimp contain selenium, which can help boost mood -- but why would you be sad if there are copious amounts of shrimp cocktail before you?
Full Fat Yogurt
Yogurt is good for you, but when you're trying to decide what type of yogurt to have, opt for the full-fat variety. That's because full-fat yogurt may help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Researchers think that maybe full-fat dairy products help to curb your sweet tooth in a relatively healthy way, as long as you keep your eye out for added sugars. So, consider adding a little plain Greek yogurt and fruit to your day to see where it takes you!
Everything in moderation, right? Butter may be one of the most indulgent things in the world, but it's OK to use in moderation and definitely better for you than margarine. In fact, the vitamins and minerals in real butter, as well as a dose of healthy fat, is incredibly good for you. Make the butter grass-fed and you've got a winning indulgence!
There's room in a healthy diet for food that may seem indulgent!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.