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How to Stop Late Night Snacking for Good

By Sara Butler

Snacking after dinner is a trap a lot of people fall into. There are all kinds of reasons people snack at night beyond hunger. They might be anxious, bored, tired, or even lonely. Nighttime cravings can be confusing and also frustrating if you're trying your best to be healthy. If you tend to a case of the evening munchies more than you should, there are a few strategies you can employ to beat them. Try these out to see if they help you quit your evening snacking for good.

Eat Small

If you can shift to eating smaller quantities of food more frequently, then you may be able to resist eating a whole bag of chips at night. This is because choosing smaller, more frequent meals can help you to keep your blood sugar stable. Plus, it's a plan that already includes a nighttime snack that's healthy, so it's really a win-win.

Get Out Your Journal

While it may be a good idea to keep a food diary, journaling in this regard doesn't have anything to do with the things you eat. Instead, when you're feeling like you want to graze in the evenings, pull out and your journal.

Many people turn to food to help them deal with their emotions. If you can find another healthier outlet for your feelings, such as journaling, you may find you don't need snacks to help. Address your feeling and really examine why you may be feeling anxious or stressed and how that drives you to the refrigerator.

Go for Fiber

You should aim for fiber and healthy fats at every meal, but especially at dinner. That's because they help you to feel fuller for longer. Try adding more things such as lentils, black beans, peas, quinoa, artichokes, and chia seeds to your meals to help.

Slow Down

Most people don't take the time to really enjoy their food. Instead, they wolf it down without a second thought. Try to move away from that.

If you can take your time, savor your meal and think about what you're eating when you're eating it, then you'll stop eating before you're too full and you'll satisfy the part of your brain that craves the satisfaction of the act of eating. If you can tame that, then chances are you may not crave something later.

Eating at night is a habit you need to put the breaks on. These tips should help you get off to a great start!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

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