Top Exercise Myths
By Sara Butler
If you're exercising to maintain or reach a healthy body weight, then good for you! Time and again, research has shown that the best way to keep your body healthy is through a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Still, there are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to exercise, especially when it comes to using it as a tool to help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight. Here are some of the most pervasive myths and the truth behind them.
Myth No. 1: All You Need is Exercise
There are a ton of benefits to your health that exercise brings with it. No matter the reason behind your exercise journey, it's something you should do anyway as a part of a healthy lifestyle. But if you're aiming to help reduce your waist size a bit, then don't rely on exercise alone to be the magic trick that helps you to do it.
Your diet plays a huge role in your goals, too. You have to watch the types of foods you eat and how much if you want to be healthy. While it is true that exercise helps to burn calories, you still need to be at a calorie deficit to reach a healthy body weight. So, don't rely on exercise alone to help you get where you need to go.
Myth No. 2: More Sweat Equals More Fat Burned
You may worry that your workouts aren't challenging enough if you're not drenched in sweat by the end. Luckily, sweating has nothing to do with what you're burning by exercising, it's simply the body's way to help maintain body temperature. If you work out in a place that is kept cool, then you probably won't sweat as much as you might in a place where the temperature is a few degrees higher. Don't sweat the sweat, you're still helping your body to be healthy no matter how much you sweat.
Myth No. 3: Cardio Is the Best Workout
You may burn more calories during a cardio session at the gym, but it's important to realize that balance is really important when working out. It's not to your benefit to simply do cardio every day. While it may strengthen your heart and other muscles, but it must be balanced with strength training too. By doing strength training and building muscles, you'll continue to burn calories when you're not working out.
Do you have questions about working out? Talk to the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.