3 Signs You're Addicted to Your Phone
By Genevieve Cunningham
Everyone in today's world loves their phones. You’d think they were attached to our hands with as much as we hold them and look at them. We’re so dependent, we barely know how to function without them anymore. But is there a point where the love for the phone crosses a line? Where it goes from something we all love to an addiction? If you're concerned about your time spent on the phone, take a look at these signs that you’re addicted so that you can address the problem for a better life.
You Check It First Thing
Is the phone the first thing you think about when you wake up? Do you immediately reach for it to check social media, browse news sites, or just waste time? If this is you, it's possible that you're addicted. Your phone should not necessarily be your first thought upon waking. You likely have a job and a family and a home. And yet so many of us immediately think about our phones. If this strikes a cord too close to home, try to intentionally leave your phone alone in the morning. While hard at first, you may find that the peace and quiet is even more addicting than the screen.
You Hold It in Conversations
We've almost lost the art of conversation in today's world. And when we finally do talk face to face, many do so with phone in hand. If it makes sound, they glance at it mid conversation. Is it because the phone is telling us something important? Not usually. It's just that we’re addicted to that instant gratification of being in the know. If you’re one who carries your phone in hand no matter what’s happening around you, it’s time to stop and make a change.
It’s Your Go-To for Boredom
Is your phone the first thing you reach for when you're bored? If the answer is yes, you should find another go-to. Grab a book, draw, play an instrument, listen to music. There are a million things that we could be doing … but we're just sitting there staring at a screen. If you want to break this habit, find a replacement for your boredom and leave the phone alone.
The phone can be a great tool. It brings quick communication, instant information, and a wealth of other benefits. But it can also bring negative aspects to your life, especially of you're addicted. Watch for these signs that your phone use is out of control, and get them in check to improve your health and quality of life.
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