How to Encourage Good Health at School
By Genevieve Cunningham
It may almost be the end of the school year, but it's never too late to start thinking about the following school year. Between school supplies, activities, and academics, there's a lot to consider. But perhaps the most important thing to consider is good health. Once school is in session, your kids are gone all day long. How can you encourage good health when you don't even see them? Luckily, there are plenty of ways to boost health! If you want to keep your kids healthy through each school year, take a look at these tips to help you do it.
Pack a Lunch
The people in charge like to say that school food is nutritious, but we've all eaten in the school cafeteria. The food is OK, but super healthy -- it is not. If you're trying to encourage better health for your child, send them a lunch. You can put whatever you want in your child's lunch -- fruit, veggies, a pita bread sandwich. This gives you a lot of control over the nutritional content of your little one's meal. And as long as you don't send money for sweet treats, your child should be coming home fully and healthily fed.
Encourage Athletics
There are so many activities that kids can be involved in at school. Drama, academic teams, band. And of course, there's also athletics. Even if your kid isn't the start quarterback, encourage them to participate in some sort of athletics. Track, tennis, even golf! This will ensure that they get some sort of workout at least five days per week, which can turn into a lifetime of better fitness habits for your kids.
Have Open Discussions
There's more to health than physical fitness. There's also mental and emotional fitness. When it comes to kids and teenagers, one of the best things that you can do is have open discussions in your home. Don't push them. Don't squeeze them for information. Just constantly create an atmosphere that encourages open dialogue. Ask questions and listen without judgement. The more free they feel to express themselves to you in their own home, the easier it will be to address problems when they arrive.
It's important to keep your kids healthy, whether they're at home, school, or somewhere else. While we certainly can't control everything that our kids do, we can help them create good habits and hopefully help them make good decisions. Use these tips to promote better health at school, and you may be helping your child build a solid and healthy future.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Alpharetta, Ga.