Chiropractic Care Keeps You Active
By Donna Stark
There are so many things in the office that remind us how to protect our backs while at work. The ergonomic desks and keyboards, the office chairs with built-in lumbar support, and the signs hanging up that explain proper lifting techniques that can be seen everywhere. And that's good! But remember, keeping your spine safe from injury doesn't stop when you walk out of those office doors. In addition to protecting the health of your back while at work, you also have to protect your back while at play!
A Healthy Back for Play
Your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic can help you preserve the integrity and health of your spine so that you can continue to stay as active as you want. Back injuries are one of the leading causes of missed workdays, doctor visits, and sidelined athletes. Well, maybe not for hurt athletes, but you get my point. If your back is injured, you can't play, and what's your team going to do without their star player? But really, it doesn't matter if you are on a team or if you like to jog alone, you certainly don't want to be stuck on the sidelines with a heating pad when you could be doing what you love. So head on in and get adjusted by your local chiropractor! Here's how chiropractic care can help.
- Places the body's joints in proper alignment
- Removes joint restrictions
- Improves joint mobility, function, and health
- Decreases joint degeneration
- Strengthens and improves muscle function
- Improves balance, coordination, range of motion, and flexibility
- Reduces inflammation
- Improves circulation and speeds the healing process of injuries
Are You at Risk?
Obviously, some physical activities put more stress and strain on your back than others, but any activity in which you twist, turn, sustain an impact, or repeat a motion can lead to an injury. That's why, in addition to chiropractic care, it's important to also be proactive with the health of your back at home. Here are some suggestions on what you can do.
- Strengthen your core
- Stretch before and after physical activity
- Practice good posture
- Consume spine-healthy foods
- Sleep well
Treating Present Pain
If you suspect you have hurt your back as a result of being active, and are still experiencing pain after giving it a couple of days to rest, seeing your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic can help. And with more than 450 locations nationwide, daily hours, and no appointment or referral required, getting back into the game as quickly as possible is easy! So hurry in ... your team is waiting for you!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Alpharetta, Ga.