Three Ways to Relieve Your Back Pain in Bed
By Debra Rodzinak
Those suffering with lower back pain find it hard to lie in bed for hours. Falling asleep and staying asleep can become difficult. There is no one single solution to curing back pain because everyone is different, but there are some helpful tips to try if you suffer from lower back pain in bed. Following these tips may help you get a full night’s sleep without pain.
Adjust Your Position
Since lower back pain can be caused from several different conditions, the way you adjust your sleeping position depends mainly on the condition. Try these different positions if you suffer from one of the following:
- Herniated Disc – Based on the location of the herniated disc, lying on your stomach brings relief for a paracentral disc herniation; side sleeping in the fetal position brings relief for a foraminal herniated disc.
- Isthmic Spondylolisthesis – Get in your favorite recliner if you suffer from this type of back pain. Adjustable beds are also an (expensive) option.
- Degenerative Disc Disease – As with a herniated disc, stomach sleeping can help relieve pressure on a degenerated disc. Placing a flat pillow under your stomach or hips can also reduce pain.
The overall best relief is to experiment with different positions at night and contact your reputable chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic during the day for adjustments.
Cold Therapy
The application of ice can numb a sore back and provide pain relief by helping the inflammation in the lower back to subside. A nightly ice massage is also thought to provide additional relief from pain. Making your own ice pack for massage is simple.
- Freeze water in a paper or disposable cup. Once frozen, peel the top inch or two of the cup away.
- Have a partner apply the ice in a circular motion around the area of pain. Continue the circular motion outwardly for about 6 inches around the area. If you don’t have help, you can easily do this on your own.
- Massage the area for 5 minutes. Repeat as necessary.
Consistent Sleep Schedule
When kept up all night with back pain, it becomes easy to sleep whenever there is not pain. However, trying to maintain a constant sleep schedule helps the body get a more restorative sleep. Some suggestions for maintaining a regular schedule:
- Following a nightly routine – Choose one or two relaxing activities to do about an hour before bed. A warm bath, relaxing music, or coloring are all excellent ways to wind down.
- Avoid caffeine – If possible, give up caffeine completely. However, if you have to have your “morning cup,” make sure to drink it before noon.
Chiropractic Treatment
In addition, a regular chiropractic treatment regime will help the body heal naturally. The expert doctors at The Joint are ready to work with you in developing a plan of treatment that will help you find pain relief -- and a good night’s sleep.