Sitting Way too Much? Make a 21-Minute Difference
By Sandy Schroeder
Bad news travels fast, and now we all know excessive sitting is right up there with smoking as a serious health danger, but we also know sitting is embedded in our lives. Where do you sit most? In front of a computer, on the couch at home, at work in a lab or at a workbench, or in the driver’s seat?
Make the Break
Breaking through the sitting pattern may be as simple as putting 21 minutes to work for you every day and using your local chiropractor as your new fitness, health and wellness coach.
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you can help you figure out the details when you come in. The Joint’s licensed chiropractors focus on health, wellness and fitness every day.
As you discuss the extent of your sitting, and your current fitness routines, your chiropractor will assess your spinal health and explain how it may provide the answers you need.
A gentle targeted spinal adjustment may relieve any joint pain that you have, and provide new energy, alertness, better sleep, and less stress. A 15-minute weekly spinal adjustment may be the way to monitor your progress and move your fitness efforts ahead.
Looking Closer at Those 21 Minutes
Finnish researchers found replacing 21 minutes of daily sitting with 21 minutes of activity helped improve body biomarkers, such as sugar levels, and build muscle mass. The participants who did not do the 21-minute intervention, suffered muscle loss and showed poorer biomarker results, according to Easy Health Options.
In this yearlong study, researchers helped the participants find ways to reduce sitting at work and throughout their day. Doing 21 minutes helped them improve cardiovascular health and muscle mass in their legs.
Ready to Try It?
Get creative and start looking for 21 minutes of fitness opportunities.
- Position a stationary bike in front of your TV
- Take your yoga mat to work and do a session after lunch
- Get up a half-hour early and walk around the block
- Replace 21 minutes of social media Facebook time with a simple strength workout
- Skip that burger and fry lunch, pack a picnic lunch and head outside to walk
- Walk the dog and walk with your kids to the park after work
- Turn up the music in the evening and move to the beat
- Break out your bike and use it all weekend long
Once you catch the enthusiasm of this effort, you may find many more ways to make 21 minutes work for you instead of against you every day.
Stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. Find out more about their affordable personal healthcare plans that require no insurance. Take advantage of their flexible weekend and evening hours. Walk-in visits are welcome – no appointments needed.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Columbus, Ga.