Put Your Health First With Chiropractic Assistance
By Sandy Schroeder
In a chaotic world that takes a lot and sometimes demands too much, we all need to establish a wellness plan that works for us. Learning how to relax and cope with stress can be a crucial part of that plan.
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you offers a wellness center with licensed chiropractors who help individuals relieve aches and pain, and deal with ongoing stress.
When you talk with your chiropractor you will find out how your spinal health plays out to improve your overall health. Gentle targeted spinal adjustments align the spine and often provide a range of other benefits such as better sleep, more energy, and clearer thinking. Some people say it is like turning a page. Everything works better. Benefits are unique to each person.
As you evaluate yours, you may want to use 15-minute weekly spinal adjustments to be at your best. Your chiropractor will monitor your progress and suggest ways to exercise, eat healthy and deal with stress.
Here are three breathing techniques from the Mayo Clinic to help you lower stress and calm down.
Progressive muscle relaxation - Concentrate on slowly tensing and relaxing muscle groups to learn the difference between tension and relaxation. Start with your head and neck and move on down to your toes. Tense muscles for five seconds and then relax for 30 seconds and then repeat. If you prefer start with your feet and move up to your head. Move at your own pace and feel the difference between stress and relaxation.
Relax from within - This autogenic relaxation technique uses imagery and body awareness to lower stress. Repeat a familiar word or cherished thought as you imagine a peaceful setting. Relax each arm or leg and breathe slowly as your heart rate slows.
Take a visual trip - Sit in a quiet spot and close your eyes as you picture a favorite destination in the park or on the water. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells and textures. Feel the sun on your face and listen to the waves. Spend some time there and then slowly return. This technique can be used wherever you are to escape stress and regain your balance.
Practice makes perfect with relaxation skills. Here are some more to try.
- Yoga
- Tai chi
- Massage
- Music and art therapy
- Biofeedback
- Meditation
- Hydrotherapy
When you need to regroup and relax, visit The Joint Chiropractic in your community. Find out about affordable personal healthcare plans and packages. Walk-ins are welcome.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Columbus, Ga.