Think You're Getting Sick? Do These Things!
By Stepy Kamei
As it's getting closer and closer to the time of year when colds and flus get spread around easily, it's important to take care of our immune system and physical health. Generally speaking, it's a good idea to live an active and healthy lifestyle all year long in order to fortify your immunity and defend your body from viruses. However, sometimes we get stressed or find ourselves taking care of a loved one who has gotten sick. In these situations, it's not that difficult to get sick yourself. When you start to feel a tickle in the back of your throat, or aches all over your body, take comfort in knowing it's not too late to prevent your symptoms from getting worse.
Stock up on Fluids
Many healthcare experts tend to agree that staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to prevent, or reduce, a cold. Keeping your body hydrated allows it to continue to function as well as it possibly can. Hydration can also reduce the inflammation which can cause a sore throat or stuffy nose. Juice is also a good alternative, but be sure water remains your first choice. If you are going for a glass of juice, choose an option with no added sugars or preservatives.
Get Some Honey
Honey has long been revered as an effective and natural source of treatment for many ailments. A spoonful of raw honey can soothe a sore throat, reduce symptoms of allergies, and bring antioxidants into the body. You can also make a smart choice by choosing throat lozenges which are made with honey.
Allow Yourself to Rest
At this crucial time in whiich your body is on the brink of descending into a cold, it's better for you to opt on the side of resting rather than wearing your body out. Take time off work if you can, and don't feel bad about cancelling on plans with friends and/or family if you absolutely know you're coming down with something. Most people will be understanding -- after all, we've all been there at some point or another.
When it comes down to it, it's always best to opt for the choices which allow you to be healthy and take care of yourself. Rest, stay hydrated, and don't strain yourself physically or mentally. With this simple mantra in mind, you should find yourself bouncing back from a cold in no time.