Live Longer With Super-Cleaning Flavonoids
By Chris Brown
Since humankind became aware of its own mortality, people have ventured far distances for life-extending potions and cures. Recent studies have found that a natural fountain of youth has been in our dietary choices all along: flavonoids. You don't have to be Ponce de Leon to find the secret to this ingredient of increased longevity, just visit your local grocery store or farmers market for fresh greens, chocolates, or even red wine. Flavonoids are the special antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cell-restoring magicians of the nutrition world. And, in case you needed another reason to eat your greens, flavonoids may just battle against -- and reverse -- the impacts of your bad habits to extend your vice-filled life.
What Is a Flavonoid?
A flavonoid is an antioxidant-rich compound found primarily in fruits and vegetables, but also in wine, tea, and chocolate. There are six flavonoid subtypes (flavanols, flavan-3-ols, flavones, flavanones, isoflavones, and anthocyanins), so there is plenty of variety when it comes to the flavonoid family. Flavonoids can do miraculous cleaning and regulatory tasks in the body providing antioxidants, lowering inflammation, balancing hormone levels, regulating cellular activity, managing weight and cholesterol, and reducing cardiovascular problems. Of the many benefits of flavonoids, two of the best are their ability to reduce body-wide inflammation and protect it against free radicals. Inflammation and oxidative stress are major components in mental and physical decline. Our high-paced, chemical-filled world contains many opportunities to generate inflammatory, free-radical responses. So it is no surprise that flavonoid consumption is associated with longevity.
How Flavonoids Protect You From the World and Your Worst Habits
A 23-year study following 56,000 Danes found flavonoids to be a major influencer of reduced mortality. It discovered that those who consumed at least 500 mg of flavonoids a day were in the lowest range of deaths. The flavonoid effect was particularly significant for those who would normally be at a higher risk of mortality, smokers, and heavy drinkers. It seems that flavonoids not only helped longevity, but actively worked to undo the damage from compromising bodily situations.
In addition to longevity, flavonoids can help you maintain a healthier, stronger life in the short-term. A meta-analysis in 2018 found that flavonoids reduced the risk of developing life-disabling diabetes and a review in 2015 found they lowered blood pressure. This means that you will lead a more fulfilled life for a longer time, a win-win when it comes to flavonoids. Plus, many of the foods which are rich in flavonoids also contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals vital to a healthy life. So consume your flavonoid intake today to see better (and more numerous) tomorrows.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Douglasville, Minn.