How Chiropractic Can Help Plantar Fasciitis
By Sara Butler
Plantar fasciitis is a common condition and the leading cause of heel pain in adults. If you have plantar fasciitis, it means the ligament that runs the length of the bottom of your foot, the plantar fascia, has several tiny tears in it. These tiny tears can eventually lead to a larger tear if not treated. Until then, it can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort. Don’t despair, because chiropractic care can help treat you if you are one of the millions of Americans suffering from plantar fasciitis – here’s how.
How Did It Happen?
There are many things that can cause plantar fasciitis, including injury from a fall or excessive exercise. Wearing the wrong kind of shoes that don’t offer enough support, standing for long periods of time or arthritis can also cause this condition. Once pain in your foot from this condition rears its ugly head, you may start to compensate in the way you walk to reduce pain, but that can lead to other problems such as misalignments in other joints in your body.
How Chiropractic Care Helps
There are several treatment options available for plantar fasciitis, but you will want to consider the many benefits of chiropractic care when it comes to treating this condition. Chiropractic treatment can:
- Reduce the stress in the ligament – The reason you are suffering from plantar fasciitis is because of the stress placed upon the ligament causing the tiny tears. If you don’t take steps to reduce this stress, then you will continue to experience pain and inflammation. Your chiropractor can help take some of the stress off the ligament and give it a chance to heal through adjustments.
- Minimize secondary injuries – Remember that one of the things that can happen when you suffer this condition is a change in your gait in order to try to reduce the pain you are experiencing. When you use chiropractic care as a part of your treatment plan, you can help to minimize the misalignments caused by a change in your gait – misalignments that if left untreated can cause problems in other parts of your body, including your ankles, knees, hips and lower back.
- Goes well with other treatments – Because chiropractic is a natural and non-invasive treatment, it often works well in conjunction with other treatments for this condition such as massage or physical therapy.
If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, then you should discuss it with your chiropractor during your next visit to The Joint!