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Aquatic Exercise Can Be Fun

By Stephen R. Farris

There are so many great fitness classes available to choose from these days. It can be tough to figure out which one would be right for you. There's yoga, tai chi, martial arts, spin classes, gladiator style workouts and much more. But what if you suffer from joint problems or arthritis conditions. Sure, yoga and tai chi would probably be beneficial for you, but there is at least one more -- and if you enjoy being in the water than this would be perfect. Aquatic exercising!.

Most of the bigger cities usually have indoor pool facilities that offer aerobic classes, or to go and merely swim a few laps. Exercising in the pool doesn't necessarily mean you have to join a class, although working out with other people can be fun as well. However, it is something you can do by yourself.

Whether you use a public indoor pool or have your own at home, here's a couple of exercises you can do to achieve a full body workout.

Before Beginning

You might want to take a few goodies with you or purchase these items to add to your pool workout experience. Good tools to have are wrist and ankle weights, foam dumbbells, kickboard, hand paddles, resistance gloves and a buoyancy belt. But you don't need all these or any of them if you don't want. But they do give you the ability to add more resistance during your workout. 

Walking in Water

We know the benefits of walking on land, but what about in water. Walking in water creates resistance, targeting your arms, core, and lower body. You can raise the resistance level by using hand or ankle weights, or both. However, you only want to do this in waist deep water.

Leg Kicks

While holding onto the edge of the pool, with your back to the walk, raise both legs and begin a kicking motion. Do scissor kicks, dolphin kicks and breaststroke motions, alternating each style. This exercise builds muscle strength in your legs and core.

Additional Tips

Just like any exercise regime, stay hydrated. It may not seem like you sweat, but you do, even in water. Make sure to wear flotation devices if you aren't a strong swimmer and avoid working out in pools where the temperature is 90 degrees or above. Other safety precautions, stop immediately if you begin to feel dizzy, weak, nauseated or tightness in your chest and seek medical attention.

One more thing, don't forget your towel!

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Peachtree Corners, Ga.

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