3 Tips for Pain-free Lawn Maintenance
By Brandi Goodman
Once the spring season arrives, many people begin heading back outside to tend to their lawns. With April deemed Lawn and Garden Month, it makes even more sense that this time of year sees people making some enhancements to their yards. The job needs to be done carefully if you're going to remain pain-free. Lawn maintenance can wreak havoc on the back and body if you're not careful. Try these three tips to help you get through it.
Use Proper Posture
No matter what activity you're doing in the yard, you need to make sure you use proper posture. If you're pushing the lawn mower, for example, stand straight with both hands on the handle and allow the legs to lead as you push. Do not lean into the mower and allow your back to do the pushing. This will quickly lead to back pain.
Wear the Right Shoes
Many people believe they should throw on an old pair of tennis shoes when they tackle yard work. Though these may seem well-suited for the job because they're already tattered and you don't mind if they get more dirty, these really aren't safe to continue using. After a year or two, a pair of shoes should be replaced so they're comfortable and fit well on the feet. Get in the habit of purchasing a cheap, yet comfortable pair of shoes each summer to do any outdoor chores in for the remainder of the year.
Don't Do it All at Once
The problem for some people is that they attempt to get all of their lawn care handled at once. They'll spend hours on end making their yard look pristine only to be left with an aching body afterward. No chores, either indoor or out, should be taken care of this way. Don't do it all at once and overwork your body. Instead, break the job up into small tasks that you can complete one at a time. Take breaks in between and perhaps even spread them out over the course of several days so you don't get exhausted.
Lawn and Garden Month gives the perfect excuse for people to learn just how yard work should be tackled. Continue practicing these safer habits throughout the month of April and into the rest of the season until they become second nature. You can enjoy your time spent working outdoors more if there's no pain involved.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Meridian, Idaho.