Fall Foods Fit for Your Diet
By Brandi Goodman
The fall season brings many foods to the table. Lots of fruits and vegetables come into season at this time, making them the perfect addition to your diet. They're packed with vitamins and nutrients necessary for optimal body function.
Pumpkin is one of the more popular choices during autumn months. You can use it to carve for decoration or in recipes for a boost in your health. If you're looking for antioxidants, improved eyesight, low calories, fiber, and lots of Vitamin A, then pumpkin is your pick. Always use the parts from an actual pumpkin rather than purchasing a puree from the store with added ingredients, such as sugar.
Apples get picked in the fall for good reason. These fruits are bursting with antioxidants. Lots of Vitamin C is found within them that helps to fight off toxins within the body. Fiber is also present. Your digestive tract will operate well because of this. For a boost in heart health, apples should also be on your menu. Eat them often for a boost in immunity.
Pears are very similar to apples, yet not as many people at them. No one is going to a pear orchard for picking in the fall. They should really be on your regular menu though. This fruit is also rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. They make a great healthy snack due to the lower calorie count.
Sweet Potatoes
Fiber, check. Antioxidants, check. Vitamins, check. Sweet potatoes have all of the essentials for good health. Switch out your regular potato choice for sweet potatoes for better benefits. They offer lots of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, and Vitamin A that help the body perform necessary tasks. Sweet potatoes are one of the foods on the cancer-fighting list.
Brussels Sprouts
If you want to eat something that's very low in calories, try Brussels sprouts. This vegetable offers a bit of protein, fiber, and folate with heaping amounts of Vitamin K and Vitamin C. They can help to maintain your blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and increase your iron absorption.
Enjoy these fall foods more often and you should experience a boost in health. Have them in your meal plan each week in various recipes so you never get bored of eating them. They all provide lots of benefits to the body that should not be taken for granted.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Meridian, Idaho.