Back Myths – Busted!
By Sara Butler
There’s a lot of misinformation out there about backs and back pain. With 80 percent of Americans experiencing back pain at some point in their lives, you might guess that back issues are something nearly every person experiences over the course of their lives. Here are some of the most persistent myths about backs, back pain and back injuries and the truth you need to know.
Exercise Can Injure Your Back
OK, so it may be true that you can injure your back by not doing exercises correctly when working out with a professional trainer or physical therapist who can show you how to do exercises correctly. Despite this, exercising is actually really good for your back. In fact, a strong back can help stabilize the spine and it is capable of handling more stress than a weak back.
If You Have a Herniated Disc You Need Surgery
The discs that live between the bones of your spine are like little jelly donuts. They have a tough outer layer and a squishy inside layer. When the outer layer weakens, then the soft filling can leak out, causing irritation to the nerves surrounding it, which can lead to some serious pain. Ninety percent of herniated discs will get better on their own with help from a chiropractor or physical therapist and surgery will never be needed.
Bulging Spinal Discs are a Big Problem
Many people have bulging discs and don’t even know it, simply because bulging discs are a natural part of the aging process. The discs do their job and will gradually wear down over time and lose their flexibility – which is why people get shorter as they get older.
If Your Back is Sore You Need Bed Rest
It used to be that rest was the go-to treatment for back pain or soreness, but now people know better. It is far better for your back if you move around and exercise gently rather than stay in bed all day. Even if it’s just walking around, when you have pulled or sprained a muscle in your back and are experiencing pain the best thing to do is keep moving.
How many of these myths did you think were true before reading this? Education is one of the keys to successfully staying healthy, which is why patient education is taken very seriously by chiropractors. If you ever have any questions about the truth of something you’ve heard about spine or back pain, never hesitate to ask your chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic if it’s actually true. They love talking about this stuff, and with a no-appointment policy, access is easy!