How to Work Out After an Injury
By Sara Butler
There's nothing more frustrating than needing to take time off from your workout routine to heal an injury. Once you're cleared to start your workout routine up again, you may be tempted to go overboard -- increasing your risk of re-injury. Here are a few tips from the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic to help you not sweat getting back in the gym saddle after an injury.
Tune into Pain
In order to avoid injury when returning from time away, you must first understand the difference between normal post-workout soreness and actual pain. It's normal to feel a little bit of discomfort the day after a good workout, especially when starting a routine up again. But what isn't normal is experiencing the same type of pain you did when you injured yourself in the first place.
If you begin to feel even an inkling of pain that reminds you of the issues that force you to take time off, then you need to stop what you're doing. You may need to adjust the intensity or take a little bit more time off to make sure you're fully recovered and free from injury.
Focus on Quality
How long you exercise isn't as important as what you're doing when you exercise. So, instead of going for the gusto with an intense workout once you get back to the gym, consider taking your time and working on your form instead. It's far better to exercise and really think about your movements than it is to push yourself to the limit, especially when coming back after an injury.
You may be surprised at the benefits you reap by shifting our focus a bit until you get back into your workout groove and make sure you're fully healed.
Ease Back In
It's really tempting to try to pick up where you left off, but you simply can't do that. It's much smarter to start slow and gradually add more volume, frequency, or intensity to your workout as you let your body adapt.
No matter what your chosen workout, ease into it until you are free from pain and proceed at your own pace. Don't worry about what others are doing around you or how fast someone else recovered from a similar injury. You do you.
If you have questions about returning to your workout routine after an injury, discuss it with your chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic today!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Northbrook, Ill.