Start Making Better Food Choices Today
By Sara Butler
In order to maintain a healthy diet, you see people using a lot of strategies. From following special diets to counting calories, these strategies should merely be seen as a part of a healthy lifestyle, not the only way to be successful. It's important to remember that food isn't just calories, it's nutrients your body needs to work optimally, too. Food is also meant to be enjoyed, to satisfy you, and to energize you. With that in mind, here are a few food strategies you can use to make your food choices a little bit better.
Think About Fiber
Fiber and other macronutrients are important at any meal. Choose foods that help to increase fiber content each day. A great example is smashing avocado to put on your turkey sandwich at lunch instead of slathering on mayonnaise, or having Greek yogurt at breakfast instead of fatty sausage. These choices add more fiber and other nutrients to the meal that will help you to feel satisfied after you're done eating.
Watch Your Portions
Portions are a big part of eating healthy because even foods that are good for you can become not-so-good if you eat too much of it. Plus, overeating makes you feel miserable and bloated afterward, so watching your portions can help you to feel better after you eat.
Try eating only half of your sandwich at lunch and pairing it with a side salad instead of chips. This helps to reduce calories but also helps add in more fiber and nutrients that can help you to feel fuller for longer.
Watch Out for Processed Foods
Try incorporating fewer processed foods into your diet and swap them out for foods with more nutrients that can help you feel satisfied. Instead of highly processed, pre-packaged foods, try something similar that isn't premade. For example, if you love mashed potatoes, make your own with the skins instead of buying boxed. Instead of sausages or hotdogs, try chicken, fish, or even steak.
Snack Like You Mean It
A way of eating that deprives you of what you really want is not going to be sustainable. When you want something, then have it -- within reason, of course. For example, if what you really want every once in a while for a snack is a brownie, then have it and don't try to substitute it with something else that won't really satisfy you. As long as it's not something you're eating every day, you should be fine and stay on a healthy track.
Food choices don't have to be tough. If you tweak a few things, then you can be healthier!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Northbrook, Ill.