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Designing the Perfect Morning

By Donna Stark

Have you ever questioned the amount of chaos at your house when everyone is trying to get ready for the day and out of the door in time? Do you find yourself asking, "Is all of this really necessary?" or "How can I do this better?" If so, keep reading! It's time to take back your mornings and start your days off right with the following tips from your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic.

Prep Before Bed

As with everything in life, a little planning goes a long way, especially for the mornings. Your mornings can run more smoothly if you prep for the next day before you go to bed. Try packing the next day's lunches after cleaning up dinner, have everyone select their next day's clothes when changing into pajamas, and set all the backpacks, totes, and briefcases next to the front door. By reducing a lot of the "running around" craziness in the morning, you may be able to start your day with more focus.

Wake Up Earlier

Setting your alarm clock to wake you up earlier may sound like a bad idea (especially if you count on every minute you get to sleep), but it can actually be really good for you and everyone in the home. Let's face it, how many times have we wished for just a few extra minutes when our time is being crunched? To start, try to wake up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do, and build from there. You may be surprised with how easy it really is to do!

Treat Yourself to Some Love

If you want to wake up feeling relaxed and refreshed, do something that will help you take on whatever the day has in store for you! This could be a quick workout session, a cold shower, a multi-step skincare routine, or some quiet reading. You can also show yourself some love by using this time to plan out your day and review your schedule.

Improve Your Breakfast

Do your teens grab a couple of cookies and an energy drink before they rush out the door? Do you hit the local coffee shop for a highly caffeinated and sugary concoction to fill your belly? With the extra minutes you get by waking up earlier, you can start your day on a much better foot! Take the time to prepare nutrient-dense smoothies for everyone or make some overnight chia yogurt bowls. A healthier meal to start your day will help increase your energy, productivity, and clarity!

The Perfect Start to Your Day

With some careful planning and simple changes to your morning routine, you can go from total craziness in your household to a calm and peaceful morning. Doesn't that sound amazing?

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Wheaton, Ill.

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