Get Some Kind of Exercise for Better Health
By Tom Herrin
It is generally recommended that we get an average of at least 40 minutes of exercise per day. While it may vary from day to day, this is a pretty good target to shoot for. Even though most of us know this, many of us still fall far short. In this time in which we have so many conveniences and electronic tools, it is pretty easy to become accustomed to the idea of just sitting in one place. For our own health's sake, we need to do something to break out of that cycle. If you don't enjoy conventional exercises, there are lots of good options available in the form of games or other activities. We simply have to be open to the idea of looking.
Join a Walking Group
There are groups or clubs for just about everything today. If you don't mind walking a little, there are groups that simply do some kind of walking. Power walking is a good way to spend time with others while getting some pretty good exercise. If you haven't tried it, you may not understand the benefits. Walking is generally much easier on the feet and joints than something that involves jogging or running. You can do it and feel revitalized, and it doesn't require that much time. For sure, you will feel refreshed each time.
Birding Is a Thing
At one time, we all probably heard about birdwatchers. They were the people with the binoculars hanging around their necks and wearing long socks, shorts, and a hat. With the technology available today, we can carry a phone instead of a notebook. It allows us to look up info as well as take pictures. If you are so inclined, you may want to try this activity. It is pretty low-keyed as you will be able to walk around as you observe various birds. Like so many other activities, your interest may grow as you have more experience. It you want a slower pace, this may be the one for you.
If You Want a Little More, Jump Rope
Even though you may have jumped rope as a child, that may have been the last time you did. It offers a few good things. It can be good for coordination as many people do it as part of a training schedule. It can also build endurance and serve as part of a good cardio workout. If we want convenience, it can be done in our homes or outdoors. We can listen to music or watch television as we do it. Some also jump rope as they jog, so be creative and get the most out of it.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Carmel, Ind.