5 Healthy Christmas Gift Ideas
By Brandi Goodman
One of the largest holidays of the year is fast approaching. Now's the time to start grabbing those gifts if you haven't already. Skip the basic options and go with some healthy Christmas gift ideas that will let your loved ones know you care about their well-being. At least five great choices exist with many others to come up with as Christmas approaches.
Organic Gift Basket
Lots of people choose to give a gift basket because it's often filled with food to eat. You never know if someone already has the item you're considering buying but you do know everyone has to eat, making food a great gift. Skip the simple options you can find that are put together in a store and choose an organic gift basket instead. You can purchase one from an online retailer who offers them or create your own.
Essential Oil Diffuser
Rest and relaxation can be hard to come by with all the stresses of life consuming us. Purchase an essential oil diffuser for someone you know may need it this holiday season and thereafter. A diffuser will release fragrances into the air that can help to calm the mind and promote a peaceful surrounding. It's great for one's mental health and makes a nice gift.
Balance Stool
A balance ball works great as a makeshift chair because you really get in a good core workout while you use it. Some may find this difficult however, so a balance stool is the next best option. Gift a balance stool to someone who spends a lot of time sitting. They'll get to engage their core, improve their balance, and work on posture all while sitting down.
Fitness Accessories
It can be difficult to fit in time for fitness each day. Gift some fitness accessories so the people in your life may find it easier to work out once in a while. Things like a weighted jump rope, ankle weights, and resistance bands can all be used easily.
The quality of the air in our homes may not be up to par. There's often allergens, dust, and particles that get breathed in, causing illness and respiratory problems. Get someone you love a humidifier to ensure the air they're breathing is safe and satisfactory. A humidifier can help to ease symptoms caused by the common cold and even the flu.
These healthy Christmas gift ideas will show your loved ones that their health is a priority to you. Forget the basic toys, games, simple pair of socks, and other usual items and go for some healthier gift options that can improve their well-being.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Noblesville, Ind.