Looking For a Healthy Protein? Try Lobster
By Paul Rothbart
Lobster is usually one of the crowning jewels on the menu of a seafood restaurant. It works beautifully as the fish component of a surf and turf. There are numerous high-end lobster recipes. Lobster salad is a nice lunch. Then there's the lobster roll. You can enjoy this crustacean in many ways. Lobster is also beneficial to your health. Unless you have an allergy or a religious restriction, you should consider adding lobster to your diet. Here are some reasons why.
Lobster contains a number of vital nutrients. One cup of cooked lobster has 129 calories and 27.6 grams of protein. That same cup also contains 3 percent of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A and iron and 9 percent of the recommended calcium. Lobster is loaded with the essential minerals copper and selenium as well having some zinc, phosphorus and magnesium. Lobster is also a fairly good source of omega 3 fatty acids. While lobster is high in fat content, very little of it is the saturated variety. Polyunsaturated fats, such as those in lobster, promote heart health while reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Fights Thyroid Disease
The selenium in lobster has been shown to promote healthy thyroid function. This mineral works as an antioxidant while helping the thyroid absorb and metabolize hormones. A study found that people with thyroid disease caused by a selenium deficiency showed improved thyroid function, mood and general well being by consuming more selenium. Lobster is an excellent way to get more of the mineral.
Mental Health
Selenium can also be beneficial to good mental health. Selenium deficiency has been linked to ADHD. Including enough selenium in the diet can reduce the risk of this disorder. The omega 3 fatty acids are also very good for cognitive function and brain health. A study conducted at the National Institute on Alcohol and Abuse and Alcoholism found that omega 3s can decrease aggression, impulsivity, and depression in adults.
Anemia is caused by a lack of red blood cells or cells that function poorly. Copper works with iron to create healthy red blood cells. In fact, copper deficiency is one of the leading causes of anemia. Lobster is one of the foods with the highest copper content. Including lobster in your daily diet will reduce the risk of anemia.
Nutrition is vital to good health. It is also nice to be able to eat decadent foods now and then. With lobster, you get the best of both worlds. High-end cuisine with nutrition and health benefits. What could be better?
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Bowling Green, Ky.