Lifestyle Changes for Spine Health
By Sara Butler
The changes to get healthy don’t have to be drastic. Contrary to popular belief, healthy lifestyles don’t have to be incredibly restrictive. As much as your chiropractor wants you to be healthy, they also want you to be happy! It can be very challenging to make changes but that doesn’t mean you’ll never eat your favorite candy bar or play your favorite video game again! You need to make changes that are manageable that will also help to promote your goals, both in the chiropractor’s office and out. Here are a few ways in which you can make small changes that will have big benefits to the health of your spine and your body as a whole.
Say Hello to Whole Foods
Highly processed foods aren’t good for you – you know this already! Cutting out processed stuff and adding whole foods to your diet is a great way to encourage health and wellness. Whole grains are fabulous fuel for your body, and they can be used to efficiently power you all day long.
Get out and try more foods in their natural state. Instead of toaster pastries in the morning, have a bowl of berries. Making small changes to your diet can help you to feel better and more energetic, and supports spine health too.
Move Your Body
You’ll start to feel even more energetic by eating better, so put that energy to great use and get your body moving. If you’ve been injured or not been active in a while, you should consult with your chiropractor first in order to find out what exercise they recommend in order to get started so you can remain injury-free. Once that is done, get outside and move your body, even if it’s just for a walk in the evening after dinner.
See Your Chiropractor
The condition and health of your spine can impact every aspect of your life. If you have back or neck pain then it might keep you from getting the kind of exercise you are interested in. Plus, if you have misalignments in your spine it can cause a host of other issues, including impairing immune system function and dragging down your energy level. Heck, even digestion can be improved through regular chiropractic care!
Seeing your chiropractor regularly can help you to condition your body so the changes you are seeking to make can be attained easier and in a healthy way. And don’t forget your chiropractor is a great resource not just for advice about back and neck pain, but for exercise advice, nutritional counseling and more!
If you’re interested in making changes for your health, talk to your chiropractor about it during your next visit to The Joint Chiropractic.