Eat Your Way to Healthier Skin
By Stepy Kamei
If you want to eat healthier, and you also want better looking skin, you may be able to use the latter of these desires to inspire you to pick up some healthy eating habits. Sure, you could blow your money on expensive skin creams and designer makeup to cover up any blemishes. However, wouldn't it make more sense, and be more affordable, to simply start choosing foods that are good for your skin as well as your overall health? We've rounded up some of the best foods you can add into your diet in order to improve the look and feel of your skin. So start writing up a grocery list now so you can say hello to younger, brighter skin in the near future!
The classic snack is incredibly good for various aspects of your health -- including your skin! Almonds are chock-full of Vitamin E, an ingredient commonly found in many skin creams and moisturizers. Almonds also contain flavonoids, which work as antioxidants, and linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid that's good for the skin's appearance. As an added bonus, almonds are a great snack for a quick dose of protein between meals!
Tropical Fruits
Trying to cut out unhealthy sweets while also improving your skin's look and feel? Kill two birds with one stone with the help of tropical fruit! Swapping out chocolate and ice cream for slices of fresh fruit is a great way to boost your health. Kiwi and watermelon in particular are great for these goals. Kiwi is packed with skin health Vitamin C, while watermelon contains plenty of lycopene, a compound loaded with antioxidants.
Orange Foods
Carrots, mango, papaya, and sweet potatoes -- what do they have in common? They're all orange, and that's thanks to the compound beta-carotene. This is another antioxidant which protects the skin from free radicals brought by UV rays from the sun.
Black and Green Tea
Starting off your morning with a cup of tea is a good idea for many reasons. It'll give you a caffeine fix without the jitters that coffee can bring. Furthermore, tea leaves are full of the antioxidants catechins and epicatechins. Tea has been shown in studies to likely retain skin elasticity and protect against sun damage.
One More Tip
Of course, if you're concerned about any aspect of your skin's health, it's always a good idea to make an appointment with a healthcare professional. That way, you can work on a customized plan tailored to your specific health needs.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Burlington, Mass.