Staying Motivated Toward Your Weight Lose Goals
By Stephen R. Farris
What can be the biggest challenge we face when it comes to losing weight? Some might say it's because we aren't eating as healthy as we should. Others may point to lack of exercise. It might also be the fact we're eating meals at the wrong time of day, or closer to bedtime.
However, the most common answer among all of these is likely the lack of staying motivated to lose weight. It's understandable since most of us live busy, hectic lifestyles these days.
The good news is that there are some things you can do on your own to help you stay better motivated in maintaining and accomplishing your weight loss goals.
Be Real About It
A lot of times we catch ourselves following mainstream, trying to keep up with our peers because it's what we as humans tend to do. Keeping up with the Joneses. The bottom line is that we should be looking closer to what we need to do for us, to keep us healthy and functioning properly. Our weight loss goals should be geared more to getting ourselves in better shape and to avoid potential health risks, and not for fads' sake.
In the beginning, set a target weight you'd like to be at. Set time frames along the way and document your progress. When you make progress, it can help keep your motivational levels high. If you reach a leveling point in your goals, you have something to look back on and remind you of what you're trying to achieve. Eventually, you'll move past those plateaus and onto the next level.
Choose Wisely
Just like anything in our lives, if we don't like something we do but we keep on doing it, more than likely we'll develop an unhealthy attitude toward whatever it may be. Eventually, we'll give up and quit. Same thing applies toward staying motivated. Find something you like to do, whether it's fixing your favorite healthy meals each day or doing favorite exercises all the time. If you look forward to doing something, the more you'll stay motivated to do it.
Reward Yourself
Each time you accomplish a goal, don't forget to reward yourself. You can plan ahead of time what that reward can be. It's a great motivational tool and gives you something to look forward to getting or doing when you achieve your goal.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Burlington, Mass.