Holiday Feasts: Focus on Family and Your Health
By Stephen R. Farris
The holiday season brings out the festive side in us as we gather with family and friends to indulge on foods and desserts in which we've waited all year to taste. There's turkey and dressing with all the trimmings, casseroles, potato salad, plus all those delicious desserts from pecan pie to pumpkin pie. It's enough to make you want to take an afternoon nap after getting full from a meal like that.
But it's not always about the food, and it shouldn't be. We should shift our focus in a different direction. Yes, all those delicious offerings are great, but it should be more about coming together and enjoying the company of family.
After all, the holidays are supposed to be a joyous, fun time of the year. So why not put the emphasis on something new this holiday season. Make lasting memories with your family and friends. Build a better relationship with them. It's good for your heart and soul.
Building those relationships is wonderful, but we should also take into account our health and fitness goals too.
Keep Your Health Goals in Focus Too
Just because it's the holidays it doesn't mean you necessarily have to gorge yourself at the table. Enjoy the foods you like, but do so in limited portions. If alcohol is present, keep it modest.
Don't Skip Your Workouts
If you're on a workout regimen, stick with it. The holidays aren't an excuse to take a break. We all get a little more busy this time of year, trying to meet work deadlines, shopping and doing more socializing. It need be, maybe shift your schedule around a little so you can continue to get those workouts in.
Involve Family and Friends
The holiday season could be an opportune time to involve family and friends in exercising and working to stay fit. It can be lots of fun working out with them in a group setting, plus it gives everyone the chance to hang out together someplace other than the dining table.
Try Something New
It's easy to get bogged down doing the same old routines, especially when it comes to working out and staying in shape. Try doing something new. If you run to stay in shape, maybe take up tennis or head to the park or gym and shoot some baskets. Breaking up the monotony is a good thing and will help keep you focused on your goals as well.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Burnsville, Minn.