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Start Including Brussels Sprouts to Your Healthy Diet

By Stephen R. Farris

When it comes to eating healthy, there is nothing like including fresh green, leafy vegetables in your diet. Collards, spinach, kale, broccoli and other green vegetables are a great way to get many of the nutrients and minerals your body needs, plus most of them are loaded with antioxidants too.

However, you may be leaving out one very important leafy vegetable, even though it's a little more rounded and compact. Which one am I talking about? None other than those tiny cabbages -- Brussels Sprouts!

Back in the day your mom usually boiled the tasty little delights to death, so eating Brussels sprouts was usually on special occasions. Nowadays, boiling is just one of the options in preparing Brussels sprouts. Kitchens not only have pots and pans to cook them in; now there's steamers, air fryers, pressure cookers and crock pots to make them tender and still retain most all of the nutrients and minerals they have.

So exactly why you should be including them more often in your diet? Let's take a look at a few of the reasons why.

Fatty Liver Disease

A study done by researchers at Texas A&M University, found that Brussels sprouts contain a compound called indole, which is lower in folks that have fat around the liver. Indole could help fight inflammation caused by fatty liver disease.

Chronic Disease

Due to its fibery nature, Brussels sprouts could help reduce your risk of chronic disease. A diet high in fiber can also reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

Healthier Bones

Not only are Brussels sprouts a source for fiber in your diet, they also contain Vitamin C, which can help improve bone density, especially in women experiencing menopause.


That same Vitamin C found in Brussels sprouts can also serve as an antioxidant, which can help fight against inflammation in other parts of your body besides the liver.

Cancer and Blood Pressure

With Brussels sprouts as part of your healthy diet, they can help lower your blood pressure due to potassium found in them. They can also help combat cancer by reducing tumor growth.

Brain Health

Last, but not least, Brussels sprouts contain Vitamin K, which may improve cognition and behavior in older adults, according to research conducted at the University of Angers in France.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Burnsville, Minn.

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