4 Easy Ways to Cut Calories Without Much Effort
By Genevieve Cunningham
When you have to think about cutting calories, it can seem like such a chore. Cutting back on some of your favorite foods just seems unappealing for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, in order to stay healthy, counting and cutting calories is sometimes necessary. If you find yourself in this predicament, don’t panic. There are simple ways to cut calories without giving up whole meals or all of your favorite goodies. Take a look at these tips for cutting calories without too much effort.
Use a Smaller Plate
It sounds too good to be true, but it really works for a lot of people. Sometimes, we pile up our plates not because we are really that hungry, but because it looks good. Using a smaller plate allows you to pile it up without so many calories. Most of the time, you will probably find that the smaller helpings fill you up just fine, and the larger plate just isn’t needed.
Don’t Go Back for Seconds
This is usually another case of our eyes being bigger than our stomachs. Unfortunately, once the food is on the plate, we will most likely eat it whether we are hungry or not. To avoid this, just don’t go back. After you’ve finished your first helping, go get a big glass of water and put your plate in the sink. Second helpings are rarely necessary, and if you are still hungry later, you can go back for a smaller healthier snack.
Don’t Drink Your Calories
So many of the calories that we consume are just senseless. If you are guilty of drinking the majority of your calories, stop! Coffee, sodas, juices, and tea all contain calories that are completely unnecessary. Instead, do your best to stick to plain old H2O. You’ll cut calories, and gain the benefits of hydration as well.
Don’t Allow Food Out of the Kitchen
So many of us eat a lot of calories right in front of the TV. We grab popcorn, a bag of chips, or some peanuts and munch away mindlessly. To stop these calories from entering your body, just don’t allow any food out of the kitchen. Essentially, this will mean that in order to eat, you’ll have to physically be in the kitchen area. This cuts out a lot of snacking calories, as well as those midnight snacks.
Cutting calories might seem burdensome, but it might be a little easier than you think. By making some very small and very subtle lifestyle changes, you can cut back on calories dramatically without ever missing a beat. Use these tips to get you started, and to lead you back to a healthy lifestyle once again.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Maple Grove, Minn.