Regain Your Balance With Chiropractic Care
As kids, nothing was more fun than spinning round and round until you were too dizzy to walk straight. You would fall to the ground laughing at how much fun the feeling was. Unfortunately, as an adult that feeling isn’t so fun. In fact, sometimes getting dizzy spells can be downright scary. It can come in many forms, such as a feeling like the room is spinning, difficulty walking, lightheadedness, the sensation of fainting and overall lack of coordination.
Some people may be diagnosed with vertigo, which is basically a condition that causes the feeling of dizziness to the point of nausea. There are different categories of vertigo that basically breakdown into two parts- central and peripheral. People with central vertigo get their vertigo symptoms due to a problem in the brain, such as a tumor or dysfunctional nerve cells. Peripheral vertigo is caused by an issue with the inner ear organs. There are different categories of peripheral vertigo, with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) being the most common. BPPV occurs when rocks form in the inner ear canal. This causes the sensory information to become miscommunicated, resulting in dizzy spells.
Some causes of vertigo do not fall into either category. The cerebellum is in charge of keeping the body’s equilibrium functioning properly. When the nerve cells in that part of the brain stem malfunction, then the vertigo symptoms can occur. In fact, if there has been significant trauma done to the neck, the resulting injuries can bring about reoccurring dizziness.
Although there are medications that can help treat vertigo symptoms, many people look toward natural treatment options. Chiropractic has been found to be a successful therapy for vertigo, especially since it focuses on the neck and spine. There are multiple ways that chiropractic may help patients with vertigo. For one, manipulations that realign the upper cervical spine may re-position the neck back to its optimal position, quelling the dizzy spells. There are other manipulations that aim to move the position of the rocks in the ear canal to positions in the canals that will no longer affect the body’s equilibrium. Some chiropractors will also recommend supplementary treatments to accompany their manipulative therapies, such as irrigating the inner ear with hot or cold water, at home balancing exercises and eye exercises.
Chiropractic therapy is a low risk, natural treatment that does not involve medication or invasive procedures. It is safe enough to be used by virtually any demographic, from infants to the elderly, making it an extremely accessible treatment for anyone experiencing vertigo and dizziness.
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