Why Back Pain May Emotionally Be Getting You Down
Depression can come in many different forms. It may cause you to feel moody, fatigued, isolated, anxious and hopeless. You may find yourself intentionally not participating in activities you normally would and not really know why. It may feel harder to get up and go every morning, causing you to frequently contemplate “what is the point?” These are all normal symptoms of depression, a mental illness that affects a large percentage of the American population.
A lesser known aspect of depression is how it can physically manifest itself on the body. Chronic pain can play a key role in those who are suffering from depression, with it sometimes being a symptom, and other times it being the cause.
Depression and chronic pain are two of the most widely reported conditions seen in the medical field. Normally they are treated as two completely different illnesses, but recently, some medical professionals and beginning to link the two together. In order to understand this theory, it is important to know what defines chronic pain. This type of pain is a constant feeling that is always there, day in and day out. It isn’t like when you fall and immediately hurt yourself. Chronic pain becomes a staple in your life, something you are always living with, which can be a physical and emotional burden.
Living with this type of constant pain can directly effect an individual’s quality of life by not only inflicting physical hardships, but emotional wearing down the sufferer who may become extremely distressed knowing that there is no way to get rid of the pain. This feeling is what may cause depressive disorder.
Treating your chronic pain naturally may be a way to alleviate both your depression and your constant aching. Chiropractic treatments are a drug free, low risk way to decrease pain, increase mobility and boost all the systems of the body. It specifically focuses on the nervous system, believing that a high functioning nervous system facilities self healing on both a mental and physical level.
If there are blockages in the spine that are hindering the nervous system to flow freely between the body and the mind, then the muscles, tissue and organs may not function properly, including the brain. Through chiropractic manipulations, the blockages may be removed from the spine, allowing the body to return to its most overall healthy state. With no interferences, then the individual’s pain level may go down and the emotional level of the brain will go up.