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How You Can Manage Back Pain

By Sara Butler

Nearly every American will have to face the reality of low back pain at one point in the course of their lives. In fact, the National Institutes of Health has stated that a whopping 80 percent of people will experience it at some point. This means you should be prepared should that day come upon you! Here are some strategies you can employ to help control back pain before it controls you.


One of the best ways you can help to keep back pain away is by making sure you take the time to stretch throughout the day. You don’t have to employ any kind of Olympic-worthy stretch routine, but simply taking the time to get up from your desk or off your couch at least once an hour to move around and do a few stretches is a great strategy to keep your back healthy.

Use Your Smarts at Work

When you’re working at your desk make sure to have your computer monitor at eye level so you don’t have to look down. Also, a good chair that supports your back is always going to be worth the money, so invest in one!


Your grandmother wasn’t lying, posture is important. Make sure when you’re sitting you are engaging your abdominal muscles and also keeping your head over your spine with your chin tucked down.

Pick Sensible Shoes

If you can, you should avoid shoes with a heel over an inch; buy shoes that will offer some support for you arches and ankle, and with enough sole to absorb some shock as you walk or fun around.

Stay Healthy

Make sure you try your best to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Ask your chiropractor to help you figure out what your ideal weight range should be and suggest some exercises that may help you to get there, as well as strategies for nutrition. You don’t have to be perfect; you just need to be healthy.

See Your Chiropractor

An aligned spine is a healthy spine and a spine that will not be subject to extra wear and tear from being out of alignment. Regular chiropractic adjustments also helps your spine to stay flexible and supple, which is very important as you get older.

These are just a few strategies to help you keep your back healthy. If you would like more suggestions, just talk to your chiropractor about it during your next visit to The Joint Chiropractic.

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