3 Healthy Ways to Ease Boredom
By Genevieve Cunningham
Boredom is a strange state of mind. With children, the suggestion is to allow for boredom. It sparks creativity and imaginative play, so they say. But with adults, boredom can be dangerous. It leads to inactivity, gossip, negative thought patterns, and overeating. But beating boredom is a challenge. What should you do with your time? How can we be productive in our moments of boredom? If you need some ideas for beating boredom in your life, take a look at these ideas.
Most of us don't exercise enough anyway. If you're bored, why not move your body? You can go to the gym and join a class. You can throw on your running shoes and go for a jog. Or you can simply get up and walk outside. Just move, and do it now! With this approach, you're filling your time with something that is productive and can help keep you in shape too. This quickly takes you from a state of total boredom to one that is focused on health and fitness instead.
Play a Game
Games can be good for us. Besides giving us something to do, it also gets the mind working. If you have kids, play a game with them and everyone in the family will benefit. If you don't or just want to play alone, choose a game that makes your mind work. You'll be filling up your boredom time, but you'll be expanding your brain and abilities as well. Try to keep multiple games on hand so that there's little chance to be bored without having something to fill in the gaps and keep you constantly challenged and learning.
Reading is one of the best ways to fill your time. And luckily, there are a million ways to read and a million things to read about. Read to your kids. Reading to kids improves literacy as they age, so why not start now? Read a good book. This can help lower stress and anxiety and push you toward better focus. Read about a new topic on the internet. All of your internet time doesn't have to be wasted. Learn, explore, research. If you want to fill up your time but don't want to expend much energy, picking up something and reading may be your best bet.
Boredom isn't the end of the world. But we're all a little better off if we know how to deal with boredom. If we know what to fill that space with. If we know what to do to get rid of the boredom and improve health. Use these tips to get started, and you'll quickly turn your boredom into healthy habits and a better life.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Mo.