Managing Stress: 3 Habits You Need to Practice Now
By Genevieve Cunningham
Stress isn't something to play around with. Though everyone experiences stress (often multiple times per day!), it's not actually something that should be taken lightly. Excessive stress can cause quite an array of negative side effects including aches and pains, heart problems, exhaustion, and many more. It seems as though we often look at stress as an inevitable. A fact of life. And while it's true that we can't escape all stress, there are definitely ways we can learn to manage it. If you're ready to handle your stress and improve your health, take a look at these three habits to add to your life today.
Friend Assessment
Your friends have a huge effect on how you feel on a daily basis. Though it's important to be loyal to your friends, it's also important to constantly review their value in your life. If your friends are constantly negative, they may be dragging you down. If your friends are bringing bad influences into your life, they may be bad for your overall health. And when your friends aren't busy lifting you up, they're definitely causing you stress. Do a friend assessment often. Stick with the people who bring you up and make you happy, and cut back on time with the rest.
The Art of Saying No
Some people have a really hard time saying no. If someone asks them to do something, they always say yes. Yes to more work. Yes to care giving. Yes to an extra activity. But when you're constantly saying yes to everything, you're probably stressing yourself out. You're spreading yourself too thin. Instead, practice the valuable art of saying no. If you don't have time, don't do it. If you need a day off, say so. When you learn that no is a sentence all unto itself, you'll begin to lower your stress and enjoy more of everyday life.
If you're not regularly exercising, it's time to start. Exercise helps our bodies deal with excessive amounts of stress. If you've ever been exceptionally stressed and then gone for a run or joined a fitness class, you may have noticed that your stress levels were significantly lower afterward. Maintaining a regular exercise routine can have the same effect -- lowering stress on a daily basis. And along with the benefits of less stress, you can also expect better health, stronger muscles, and a more fit body overall.
Managing stress can be difficult. It seems as though we're hit with stressful events on an almost continual basis. Use these tips to manage our ongoing stress, and you may find yourself in better overall health starting now and in the future as well.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Mo.