3 Crucial Things to Remember About Exercise
By Genevieve Cunningham
Exercise should really be in your regular routine. We all know that, right? We know we should be walking or lifting weights or joining the class at the local gym. We know. But even with this knowledge firmly planted in our minds, we don't always make the time for a workout. And then we beat ourselves up about it. But exercise, while extremely important, isn't a one-size fits all. It's personal and individual. If you're ready to change your attitude about exercise, take a look at these crucial things to remember to get you moving in the right direction.
A Little is Better Than Nothing
You don't have to exercise all the time to gain the benefits. It's not all or nothing. In fact, even a little bit of movement is better than none at all. If you can only squeeze in two long walks per week, do it. One yoga session? Do it. Though more movement will likely bring the benefits faster and stronger, any regular movement will get you moving in the right direction.
There's No Right Way to Do It
Everyone has an opinion about exercise. They think they know the perfect routine, the perfect plan to get healthy. But here's the thing: Every person is different. What works for someone else may not work for you. Your body may not respond in the same way. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. As long as you're following proper form in order to prevent injury, you need to do what works for your body. Do what feels good and what works, and don't worry about the person next to you.
It's a Lifestyle Choice
A lot of people go into a workout program thinking that it's a temporary plan. But real exercise works best when you change your lifestyle. Exercise and movement should be part of your life -- not just a passing phase. Choose an activity that you can actually keep. Something that works well in your particular life. The more that movement becomes a part of your life, the more benefit you'll get from the practice.
Exercise really is important. It's a huge factor in the way that we feel in our bodies and in our lives in general. Keep these things in mind when you're creating your workout plan, and maintain an active life from here on out.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Mo.