Certain Spices May Mean Better Health
By Tom Herrin
Doing all we can to support good health should be a long-term goal for any of us. Too many times, we have some small thing that we could have done but didn't. This may be the case with spices as there seem to be some that can fine-tune our health in ways that may have solid impacts. It may be a matter of a little studying and trying a few things out. We are fortunate in that there are several that may serve similar purposes so that, if we don't like one, we can try another.
Garlic Is an Old Standard for Some
Many people have used garlic for years as some kind of tool to boost their health. The problem that many have with it is that they find the smell offensive, whether it is on them or someone else. When it comes to dishes with garlic in them, you may find that you either love the aroma or you find it offensive. There are some odorless garlic supplements available that you may want to try. We enjoy garlic in many of the food dishes that are prepared at our home. It is believed to be good for the heart. Many take it to help fight disease or manage blood pressure. It seems to be tried and tested for enough people that must be something to it.
Peppermint Seems to Soothe
It seems pretty common for people to use peppermint to settle upset stomachs and comfort throats. There is some evidence that it is useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome. We often drink some kind of peppermint herbal tea or keep peppermint sticks around to use for other digestive purposes. We find it to be pretty useful. It obviously has some successful use because many restaurants offer it with meals.
Rosemary May Help Your Allergies
Many of us suffer from seasonal allergies. It can be easy to confuse them with various kinds of illnesses. They can make you feel sick and have typical symptoms like congestion. One study seemed to indicate that rosemary can help to suppress responses associated with allergies and nasal congestion. If you are like me, you will be willing to try anything, and I often am concerned about taking many of the decongestants on the market. It may be something worth giving a try.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Saint Peters, Mo.