Did the Trip You Looked Forward to Include Back Pain?
By Tom Herrin
Many people plan trips to get away and look forward to them for quite a while. That anticipation can be short lived once the trip begins with a lengthy ride to get wherever it is they are going. There are times when that ride can get a little painful. When that long time begins to wear on the back, pain may become an unwanted companion. Rather than keep it has a fellow traveler, a visit to a chiropractor may provide help to put it aside and bring back a more pleasurable trip. It may be smooth sailing from there on.
What Happens
Back pain can be a little tricky. It may have many causes. The root of much of it will likely go back to the support system. The spine supports the body. When it is in good shape, it is the basis for most movement. The muscles support the spine. They help to allow the kind of movement needed for the things people do. When the muscles become strained, their ability to support the spine may be compromised. When this happens, a joint dysfunction may occur in which pressure is applied to a nerve. This can cause pain. Without treatment, this pain may become debilitating.
Chiropractors Can Relieve Pain
When people go to a chiropractor for pain relief, they usually are given an adjustment in which the spine is gently manipulated so that the injured joint is restored to its proper position. When this happens, the pressure is taken off of the nerve. The pain is relieved. Since this is all done naturally, no pain medication is used, so there is no chance of side effects or addiction. This may mean a faster return to normal daily activities. The chiropractor may also suggest some exercises that can help to strengthen the muscles that support the spine.
Regular Visits May Help
When people experience the relief that can be provided by a chiropractor, they usually enjoy it. At The Joint Chiropractic, there are plans that can meet the needs of busy people. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary. They are open days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 450 locations nationwide. If you want to take one of those long trips, go ahead, but don't take back pain along on the trip. Drop in at The Joint Chiropractic today and travel in comfort.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in St. Louis, Mo.