Exercising to Alleviate Back Pain
By Randi Morse
Once the calendar changes to the month of October it seems like the rest of the holiday season just flies by. As soon as Halloween ends, it's Thanksgiving, and then you blink and it's Christmas time. Take a deep breath and you'll find its New Year's Eve, and then the next year starts all over again. During the holiday season it can be extremely difficult to take time to focus on your health. This year, try making a New Year's Eve resolution to focus on exercising, not only to help you strengthen your muscles and become healthier, but also to help ease any chronic back pain that you may have, and to prevent any future back problems as well.
How to Start
One of the most difficult problems when it comes to exercise programs is figuring out how to start. It is often so difficult to start an exercise program, it can be easy to put it off indefinitely. The easiest way to get started with any sort of exercise program is to schedule a consult with a personal trainer or a physical therapist. Most professional gyms have personal trainers on staff who are there to help you learn how to use the machines and to help you build workout program structured around your goals. For example, if you are trying to help alleviate your back pain, your personal trainer may contact your chiropractor in order to come up with a workout regimen that helps build your core muscles and strengthen your back.
Sticking to a Program
Once you've discovered an exercise program that works, the next problem is sticking to it. In order to get the best benefit from exercise, most experts say that you need to do some form of activity for at least 30 minutes a day and at least three times a week. To do this, try making exercise part of your routine. It can take about three weeks to make something a habit, so for at least a month make sure you do your exercises the same time, and on the same days, every week. Also, make sure you give yourself goals. For example, if you are looking for exercise to help alleviate your back pain, work with your chiropractor and your personal trainer to give yourself attainable goals, such as being able to lower the amount of pain medication you are currently on.
It's understandable that you can't focus on exercise during the holiday season, but if you're dealing with chronic back pain it's a great idea to set up a program that you can start immediately after the holidays in order to help strengthen your back and alleviate your pain.
If you have any questions about how to maintain your health through the holidays, drop in to your local clinic of The Joint Chiropractic, which has nearly 500 locations nationwide.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.