Talking Posture and Mindfulness With a Chiropractor
By Rachel Shouse
Your bones and muscles most likely take a beating throughout the day. Some of you may have a rigorous exercise regimen, while others walk around a lot at work. Sitting for long periods of time is rough on your spine as well, which makes avoiding back problems feel impossible. Gravity doesn't always help us. Astronauts, for example, come back to earth a little taller because the lack of gravity decompresses their spines. Regardless of your lifestyle, it's wise to be proactive in your health. It's also important that you lead a productive life, a little mindfulness can get you there.
How to Sit, Stand, Bend, the Works
Chiropractors are loaded with knowledge. They take a more natural approach to healthcare. Doctors of chiropractic focus on the musculoskeletal system, which consists of ligaments, bones, cartilage, muscles, and tendons. Caring for this area has proven to reduce the risk of some major diseases and/or health conditions.
If you're struggling with back pain regularly, it's time to schedule an appointment. This isn't the kind of problem you want to let slide for long. There are some things you can do on a daily basis to help relieve some pain.
Warm yourself up - Stretching every morning helps prep your body for the movements that are to follow. Stretching before bed helps relieve tension, thus promoting a better night's sleep.
Sitting and standing - Be mindful when you're at work. Sit and rest, get up and move around, sit up straight, bend with your knees and hold heavy objects close to your body, the usual advice. Now's the time to implement and follow through.
Implement Mindfulness
Everyone forms habits, good and bad. Learning to be mindful of something like how you sit can be difficult. A lot of people need to be mindful of how they sit, stand, walk, exercise, etc. There are things you can do to help make this change easier.
Don't rely on your memory and brain power to change these kinds of habits. They're probably years in the making and it's going to take time to build new ones. If you sit at a desk, utilize sticky notes. Keep them where you can see them frequently. Remind yourself to sit up straight, walk around, and/or get some water. Simple but beneficial changes.
Some of you may walk a handful of miles every day. My husband takes enough steps for both of us, literally. His body has had the time to adjust, but at first, he needed to sit and let his bones and muscles take a break. If you also have a busy job, set a recurring timer on your phone so you sit and rest at appropriate intervals.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.