Temperature May Affect Function
By Tom Herrin
The environment in which people live may play a big part in how their body works. For certain, those who live in extreme temperatures are affected. Environment can influence people without them ever realizing it. How many people have gone into a home or building and wondered how in the world people are able to function due to the fact that it is either too hot or too cold. In these days of modern conveniences, many people want to have everything controlled down to the minute as they may have little tolerance for changes around them. Climate control today is a major industry, and people pay premium prices to have it the way they want.
Temperature May Be a Factor With Sleep
Sleep problems are a pretty common problem. It is obvious by the amount of advertising that can be seen for all kinds of remedies. It may be various types of mattresses or some kinds of supplements. Many people may be affected by late workouts that can wake them up and keep them from winding down. Still others may spend too much time looking at electronic screens which are believed to cause problems. Managing temperature may be one of the best ways to encourage better sleep. When people are too warm, it is believed to interfere with sleep cycles. Many believe that the prime temperature for sleeping is between 65 and 72 degrees.
Temperature May Affect Efficiency
Lots of people find that their body does not work as they would like when they are active. Some of this may be due to temperature. It has been said that weight loss may be easier when the temperature is between 64 and 67 degrees. The body seems to work better. It is well known that shivering from the cold burns calories as it must do so to warm itself, but it may not be wise to try to remain in temperatures that are too extremely cold so as to weaken the body. Keeping things slightly cooler may be enough to do the trick.
Trial and Error May Help
I have found that I always sleep better when it is cooler. As a result, I turn it down before I go to bed. I have also always noticed that it is much easier for me to lose weight during the fall and spring. It seems that my body just responds better to anything I do. If you want to find out how temperature affects you, do as little playing with the thermostat. It may work for you as well.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.